Paolo Campeti
INFN Staff (Ricercatore Tecnologo)
I got my PhD at SISSA in 2020 and, before joining INFN in Ferrara as researcher (Ricercatore Tecnologo), I was a postdoc at Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics and ORIGINS Excellence Cluster (2020-2023) in Munich.
I’m a cosmologist interested in using data-analysis, advanced statistics and high-performance computing tools to test fundamental physics theories with state-of-the-art cosmological datasets. One of my main scientific goal at the moment is using primordial gravitational waves as a tool to answer two questions:
1. Has cosmic inflation occurred?
2. If so, how? What is the fundamental physics behind inflation?
In order to answer these questions I analyze and simulate CMB datasets, including the impact of real-world issues such as the contamination from foregrounds and instrumental systematics. I also contribute to the LiteBIRD collaboration, a CMB satellite experiment which will search for the elusive $B$-mode polarization signal generated by primordial gravitational waves.
My expertise is not only limited to CMB experiments: my most impactful work is about measuring the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves combining $B$-mode experiments, pulsar timing array and laser interferometers. The code I developed for this work is publicly available at the link.