Diego Molinari
I took a master’s degree in “Astronomy and Astrophysics” at the La Sapienza University (Rome) and a PhD in Astronomy at the University of Bologna. I worked at the University of Cantabria in Santander (Spain) for one year in which I studied the anomalies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) with a one year grant of the “Fondazione Della Riccia”. In 2015, I started my research at the University of Ferrara as a post-doc researcher.
I have been a member of several international collaborations: Planck, CORE, Euclid, LSPE. My research focussed on the analysis of the data observed by the Planck satellite, dedicated to the measurement of the CMB with great accuracy. In more detail, inside the Planck collaboration, my tasks have been the extraction of the angular power spectrum from CMB data; the comparison of the cleaned CMB maps provided by the 4 Planck official component separation methods dedicated to the subtraction of the signal coming from galactic and extragalactic (non-CMB) emissions from the observed data; the search of non-gaussianity signatures in the CMB data.
I developed codes for the extraction of the cross-correlation signal between the CMB and the large scale structures, respectively obtained by Planck and Euclid satellites, to study the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and investigate the nature of the Dark Energy. I also contributed to the data analysis and simulation of the CORE satellite for the optimization of its scanning strategy and minimization of the systematic effects that may contaminate the CMB data.
My current position is HPC User Support at CINECA.