Thejs Brinckmann
Staff member (R-TDA)
Thejs Brinckmann at a glance:
8 first author, alphabetical, or major-contribution collaboration papers. 16 co-author papers;
Expert knowledge of MCMC, N-body simulations, and cosmological Boltzmann codes;
Developer of cosmological codes MontePython and CLASS, maintain MontePython 3 on github;
Co-supervised four students (2 B.Sc, 2 M.Sc.) and tutored three courses (1 B.Sc., 2 M.Sc.);
Scientific committee, local organizer & lecturer of CosmoTools18;
Lecturer at TOOLS 2020, co-lecturer at CLASS & MontePython workshop Cambridge 2018.
GitHub: brinckmann
Twitter: thejsbrinckmann
Office: Block C, room 415
Office hours:
Personal website: