Peer reviewed papers

Characterization of a radiation detector based on opaque water-based liquid scintillator

LiquidO Collaboration

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 1071, 170075 (2025) 

JUNO sensitivity to invisible decay modes of neutrons

Abusleme et al.

The European Physical Journal C, 85(1), 5 (2025)  

Prediction of energy resolution in the JUNO experiment

Abusleme et al.

Chinese Physics C, 49(1), 013003 (2025)  


Peer reviewed papers

Geoelectric Joint Inversion for 3D Imaging of Vineyard Ground

Lopane N., M. Albéri, A. Barbagli, E. Chiarelli, T. Colonna, F. Gallorini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, D. Petrone, S. Pierini, K.G.C. Raptis and V. Strati

Agronomy, 14(11), 2489 (2024) 

Benthic litter in fishing grounds of the Northern Adriatic: Role of the trawling fleet as cleaners of the seafloor

Mistri M., E. Casoni, V. Strati, C. Munari

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 208, 117095 (2024) 

A deep neural network for predicting soil texture using airborne radiometric data

Maino A., M. Alberi, A. Barbagli, E. Chiarelli, T. Colonna, M. Franceschi, F. Gallorini, E. Guastaldi, N. Lopane, F. Mantovani, D. Petrone, S. Pierini, K.G.C. Raptis, V. Strati, G. Xhixha

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 221, 111767 (2024) 

The design and technology development of the JUNO central detector

Abusleme et al.

The European Physical Journal Plus, 139, 1128 (2024) 

Analysis of reactor burnup simulation uncertainties for antineutrino spectrum prediction

Barresi et al.

The European Physical Journal Plus, 139, 952 (2024) 

Distillation and gas stripping purification plants for the JUNO liquid scintillator

Landini et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 1069, 169887 (2024) 

Refractive index in the JUNO liquid scintillator

Zhang et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 1068, 169730 (2024) 

Real-time monitoring for the next core-collapse supernova in JUNO

Abusleme et al.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2024(01), 057 (2024) 

Model-independent Approach of the JUNO 8B Solar Neutrino Program

Zhao et al.

The Astrophysical Journal, 965(2), 122 (2024) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Strati V., Albéri M., Barbagli A., Boncompagni S., Casoli L., Chiarelli E., Colla R., Colonna T., Francheschi M., Gallorini F., Guastaldi E., Lopane N., Maino A., Mazzoli G.L., Mantovani F., Mantovani F., Migliorini F., Petrone D., Pierini S., Raptis K.G.C., Tiso R. Airborne surveys for the detection of Flavescence Dorée in vineyards. EGU24-10773. EGU General Assembly 2024.

Francheschi M., Albéri M., Antoni M., Baldi A., Barbagli A., Beltramone L., Carnevali L., Castellano A., Collodi G., Chiarelli E., Colonna T., De Lucia V., Ermini A., Gallorini F., Guastaldi E., Lopane N., Maino A., Manes A., Mantovani F., Messeri S., Petrone D., Pierini S., Raptis K.G.C., Rindinella A., Salvini R., Silvestri D., Strati V., Xhixha G. Proximal Gamma Ray Spectroscopy for monitoring Soil Water Content in vineyards. EGU24-908. EGU General Assembly 2024.

Natali M., Modanesi S., De Santis D., Brocca L., Mantovani F., Maino A., De Lannoy G., Massari C. Irrigation Estimation from Soil Water Balance and the Water Cloud Model by leveraging Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 observations. EGU24-18745. EGU General Assembly 2024.

Lopane N., Albéri M., Barbagli A., Chiarelli E., Colonna T., Franceschi M., Gallorini F., Guastaldi E., Maino A., Mantovani F., Petrone D., Pierini S., Raptis K.G.C, Strati V. Geoelectric joint inversion: a novel approach for grape vineyards investigation. Agrogeo24, Zürich (Switzerland), 1‑2 February 2024


Peer reviewed papers

JUNO sensitivity to 7Be, pep, and CNO solar neutrinos

Abusleme et al.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2023(10), 022 (2023) 

JUNO sensitivity on proton decay p → νK+ searches

Abusleme et al.

Chinese Physics C, 47(11), 113002 (2023) 

The JUNO experiment Top Tracker

Abusleme et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 1057, 168680 (2023) 

Validation and integration tests of the JUNO 20-inch PMT readout electronics

Cerrone et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 1053, 168322 (2023) 

Implementation and performances of the IPbus protocol for the JUNO Large-PMT readout electronics

Triozzi et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 1053, 168339 (2023) 

Mass testing of the JUNO experiment 20-inch PMT readout electronics

Coppi et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 1052, 168255 (2023) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Strati V., Mantovani F., Bellini G. Studying the Earth's radiogenic power with geoneutrinos. Supplemento Giornale di Fisica, proceeding of Passion for Earth - A New Era for Geoscience? VOL. LXIV. DOI: 10.1393/gdf/i2023-10525-4

Natali M., Modanesi S., Massari C., Brocca L., De Lannoy G., Maino A., Mantovani F.. A Simple Framework to Calibrate a Soil Water Balance Model With Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Observations Over Irrigated Fields. 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), Pisa (Italy), 6-8 November 2023

Maino A., Albéri M., Chiarelli C., Colonna T., Guastaldi E., Lopane N., Magnoni A., Mantovani F., Petrone D., Raptis K.G.C., Strati V. Soil texture predictions through Machine Learning from airborne radiometric data. IRRMA-11, 11th Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications, Bologna (Italy), 23-28 July 2023

Strati V., Albéri M., Chiarelli E., Colonna T., Guastaldi E., Iannarone A., Lopane N., Magnoni A., Maino A., Mantovani F., Petrone D., Raptis K.G.C., Semenza F., Taroni M., and Zambelli G. BlueSky: a system for in-situ identification of 137Cs in industrial waste. EGU23-2800. EGU General Assembly 2023.


Peer reviewed papers

Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorithms for Revealing Soil Texture

Maino A., M. Alberi, E. Anceschi, E. Chiarelli, L. Cicala, T. Colonna, M. De Cesare, E. Guastaldi, N. Lopane, F. Mantovani, M. Marcialis, M. Montuschi, S. Piccioli, K.G.C. Raptis, A. Russo, F. Semenza and V. Strati

Remote Sensing, 14(15), 3814 (2022) 

External effective dose from natural radiation for the Umbria region (Italy)

Raptis K.G.C., M. Albéri, S. Bisogno, I. Callegari, E. Chiarelli, L. Cicala, T. Colonna, M. De Cesare, E. Guastaldi, A. Maino, F. Mantovani, M. Montuschi, A. Motti, N. Natali, M. Ogna, F. Semenza, A. Serafini, G. Simone, V. Strati

Journal of Maps, 18(2), 461-471 (2022) 

Combining Precision Viticulture Technologies and Economic Indices to Sustainable Water Use Management

Finco A., D. Bentivoglio, G. Chiaraluce, M. Albéri, E. Chiarelli, A. Maino, F. Mantovani, M. Montuschi, K.G.C. Raptis, F. Semenza, V. Strati, F. Vurro, E. Marchetti, M. Bettelli, M. Janni, E. Anceschi, C. Sportolaro, G. Bucci

Water, 14, 1493 (2022) 

Geoneutrinos and geoscience: an intriguing joint-venture

Bellini et al.

La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 45, 1-105 (2022) 

Geoneutrino Detection and Other Non-Solar Neutrino Physics Achievements of Borexino

Zavatarelli et al.

Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 77(2), 431-433 (2022) 

Mass testing and characterization of 20-inch PMTs for JUNO

Abusleme et al.

The European Physical Journal C, 82, 1168 (2022) 

Sub-percent precision measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters with JUNO

Abusleme et al.

Chinese Physics C, 46(12), 123001 (2022) 

Prospects for detecting the diffuse supernova neutrino background with JUNO

Abusleme et al.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022(10), 033 (2022) 

JUNO physics and detector

Abusleme et al.

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 123, 103927 (2022) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Ochoa-Ricoux J.P. and Strati V. Geoneutrino Physics in the JUNO Experiment. 2022 Goldschmidt Conference. 10-15 July, 2022.

Serafini A., Bellini G., Inoue K., Mantovani F., Strati V., Watanabe H. Investigating Earth’s mantle with antineutrinos. Neutrino 2022 Seoul, XXX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics. May 30 - June 4, 2022.

Albéri M., Cabras D., Chiarelli E., Cicala L., Colonna T., Corbo M., De Cesare M., Ferraro A., Givoletti J., Guastaldi E., Maino A., Mantovani F., Morichi M., Montuschi M., Raptis K.G.C., Semenza F., Strati V., and Vivaldi F. RadHawk: a smart UAV for hunting radioactivity. EGU22-11835. EGU General Assembly 2022.

Montuschi M., Alberi M., Attala D., Chiarelli E., Maino A., Raptis K.G.C., Sandroni S., Sassi S., Semenza F., Strati V., and Mantovani F. A Web GIS tool for 3D visualization of bathymetric data. EGU22-11828. EGU General Assembly 2022.

Strati V., Bellini G., Inoue K., Mantovani F., Serafini A., and Watanabe H. Studying the Earth’s heat budget with geoneutrinos. EGU22-490. EGU General Assembly 2022.

Maino A., Albéri M., Anceschi E., Chiarelli E., Cicala L., Colonna T., De Cesare M., Guastaldi E., Lopane N., Mantovani F., Martini N., Montuschi M., Piccioli S., Raptis K.G.C., Russo A., Semenza F., and Strati V. Mapping soil texture with airborne gamma ray spectroscopy. EGU22-361. EGU General Assembly 2022.


Peer reviewed papers

Proximal Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: An Effective Tool to Discern Rain from Irrigation

Serafini A., M. Albéri, M. Amoretti, S. Anconelli, E. Bucchi, S. Caselli, E. Chiarelli, L. Cicala, T. Colonna, M. De Cesare, S. Gentile, E. Guastaldi, T. Letterio, A. Maino, F. Mantovani, M. Montuschi, G. Penzotti, K.G.C. Raptis, F. Semenza, D. Solimando and V. Strati

Remote Sensing, 13(20), 4103 (2021) 

Editorial: Innovative Methods for Non-invasive Monitoring of Hydrological Processes From Field to Catchment Scale

Bogena H.R., V. Strati, A. Güntner, C.C. Chew and M. Schrön

Frontiers in Water, 3, 641458 (2021) 

An Easily Integrable Industrial System for Gamma Spectroscopic Analysis and Traceability of Stones and Building Materials

Marini M., S. Panicacci, M. Donati, L. Fanucci, E. Fanchini, A. Pepperosa, M. Morichi, M. Albéri, E. Chiarelli, M. Montuschi, K.G.C. Raptis, A. Serafini, V. Strati, F. Mantovani

Sensors, 21(2), 352 (2021) 

Neutrino physics with an opaque detector

Cabrera et al.

Communications Physics, 4, 273 (2021) 

Search for low-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources with Borexino

Agostini et al.

Astroparticle Physics, 125, 102509 (2021) 

Radioactivity control strategy for the JUNO detector

Abusleme et al.

Journal of High Energy Physics, 102 (2021) 

The design and sensitivity of JUNO’s scintillator radiopurity pre-detector OSIRIS

Abusleme et al.

The European Physical Journal C, 81, 973 (2021) 

JUNO sensitivity to low energy atmospheric neutrino spectra

Abusleme et al.

The European Physical Journal C, 81, 887 (2021) 

Calibration strategy of the JUNO experiment

Abusleme et al.

Journal of High Energy Physics, 4 (2021) 

FPGA Implementation of a NCO based CDR for the JUNO Front-End Electronics

Marini et al.

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 68(8) (2021) 

Optimization of the JUNO liquid scintillator composition using a Daya Bay antineutrino detector

Abusleme et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 988, 164823 (2021) 

Embedded Readout Electronics R&D for the Large PMTs in the JUNO Experiment

Bellato et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 985, 164600 (2021) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Kumaran S. (on behalf of the Borexino Collaboration). Spectroscopy of geoneutrinos with Borexino. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2156. 17th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2021), 26 August–3 September 2021, Valencia.

Serafini A., Albéri M., Bisogno S., Chiarelli E., Cicala L., De Cesare M., Maino M., Montuschi M., Motti A., Natali N., Ogna M., Raptis K.G.C., Simone G., Strati V., Mantovani M. Mapping the outdoor effective dose: the case study of the Umbria region (Italy). EGU21-7284. EGU General Assembly 2021.


Peer reviewed papers

Rain rate and radon daughters’ activity

Bottardi C., M. Albéri, M. Baldoncini, E. Chiarelli, M. Montuschi, K.G.C. Raptis, A. Serafini, V. Strati, F. Mantovani

Atmospheric Environment, 238, 117728 (2020) 

Comprehensive geoneutrino analysis with Borexino

Agostini et al.

Physical Review D, 101, 012009 (2020) 

Soil moisture as a potential variable for tracking and quantifying irrigation: A case study with proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy data

Filippucci P., A. Tarpanelli, C. Massari, A. Serafini, V. Strati, M. Albéri, K.G.C. Raptis, F. Mantovani, L. Brocca

Advances in Water Resources, 136, 103502 (2020) 

Correlation of Gaseous Emissions to Water Stress in Tomato and Maize Crops: from field to laboratory and back

Fabbri B., M. Valt, C. Parretta, S. Gherardi, A. Gaiardo, C. Malagù, F. Mantovani, V. Strati, V. Guidi

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 303, 127227 (2020) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Serafini A., Albéri M., Chiarelli E., Montuschi M., Raptis K.G.C., Strati V., & Mantovani F. Discriminating irrigation and rainfall with proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy. 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), 191-195.

Kumaran S. (on behalf of the Borexino Collaboration). Analysis strategies for the updated geoneutrino measurement with Borexino. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1468, 012184. 16th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP2019).

Serafini A., Navas D. N., Cabrera A., Mantovani F., Chen M., Strati V. (on behalf of the LiquidO Collaboration). Neutrino physics with LiquidO at the MeV-scale. XXIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics. Neutrino 2020.

Serafini A., Albéri M., Carconi P., Chiarelli E., De Felice P., Deserventi A., Donati M., Fanchini E., Giordano F., Grignani P., Iovene A., Luciani L., Manessi G., Mantovani F., Marini M., Morichi M., Pepperosa A., Raptis K.G.C., Rogo F., Strati V. and the CORSAIR. Making radioactivity measurements on building materials accessible to everyone. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 22, EGU2020-1149. EGU General Assembly 2020.

Albéri M., Bottardi C., Chiarelli E., Raptis K.G.C., Serafini A., Strati V. and Mantovani F. GammaEDU: an innovative tool for sensitizing society to natural radioactivity. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 22, EGU2020-16228. EGU General Assembly 2020.

Strati V., Albéri M., Bottardi C., Chiarelli E., Montuschi M., Raptis K.G.C., Serafini A. and Mantovani F. Monitoring rain rate with proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 22, EGU2020-15888. EGU General Assembly 2020.

Mantovani F., Albéri M., Bottardi C., Chiarelli E., Raptis K.G.C., Serafini A., Strati V. Discriminating biomass and soil water content with proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 22, EGU2020-22370. EGU General Assembly 2020.

Strati V., Wipperfurth S. A., Baldoncini M., McDonough W. F., Gizzi S. and Mantovani F. Geoneutrinos from the rock overburden at SNO+. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 1342, 012020. XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics 24–28 June 2017, Sudbury, ON, Canada.


Peer reviewed papers

Training Future Engineers to Be Ghostbusters: Hunting for the Spectral Environmental Radioactivity

Albéri M., M. Baldoncini, C. Bottardi, E. Chiarelli, S. Landsberger, K.G.C. Raptis, A. Serafini, V. Strati and F. Mantovani

Education Sciences, 9(1), 15 (2019) 

Biomass water content effect on soil moisture assessment via proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy

Baldoncini M., M. Albéri, C. Bottardi, E. Chiarelli, K.G.C. Raptis, V. Strati, and F. Mantovani

Geoderma, 335, 69-77 (2019) 

Nanoseconds Timing System Based on IEEE 1588 FPGA Implementation

Pedretti et al.

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 66(7), 1151-1158 (2019) 

GIGJ: a crustal gravity model of the Guangdong Province for predicting the geoneutrino signal at the JUNO experiment

Reguzzoni M., L. Rossi, M. Baldoncini, I. Callegari, P. Poli, D. Sampietro, V. Strati, F. Mantovani, G. Andronico, V. Antonelli, M. Bellato, E. Bernieri, A. Brigatti, R. Brugnera, A. Budano, M. Buscemi, S. Bussino, R. Caruso, D. Chiesa, D. Corti, F. Dal Corso, X. F. Ding, S. Dusini, A. Fabbri, G. Fiorentini, R. Ford, A. Formozov, G. Galet, A. Garfagnini, M. Giammarchi, A. Giaz, M. Grassi, A. Insolia, R. Isocrate, I. Lippi, F. Longhitano, D. Lo Presti, P. Lombardi, Y. Malyshkin, F. Marini, S. M. Mari, C. Martellini, E. Meroni, M. Mezzetto, L. Miramonti, S. Monforte, M. Montuschi, M. Nastasi, F. Ortica, A. Paoloni, S. Parmeggiano, D. Pedretti, N. Pelliccia, R. Pompilio, E. Previtali, G. Ranucci, A. C. Re, B. Ricci, A. Romani, P. Saggese, G. Salamanna, F. H. Sawy, G. Settanta, M. Sisti, C. Sirignano, M. Spinetti, L. Stanco, G. Verde and L. Votano.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(4), 4231-4249 (2019) 

Distillation and stripping pilot plants for the JUNO neutrino detector: design, operations and reliability

Lombardi et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 925, 6-17 (2019) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Ludhova L. (on behalf of the Borexino Collaboration). Updated geoneutrino measurement with Borexino. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1468. 16th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2019) 9–13 September 2019, Toyama, Japan.

Rossi L. & Strati V. Goce Bayesian gravity inversion for geoneutrino exploitation at JUNO. Atti del Convegno XXXVIII GNGTS 239-244. XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale del GNGTS. 12 - 14 November 2019, Rome - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

Strati V., Albèri M., Bottardi C., Chiarelli E., Mantovani F., Raptis K.G.C., Serafini A. Nuclear physics for precision agriculture. 1st International Conference on Applied Physics - Book of Abstracts, 3. 1st International Conference on Applied Physics. 20-22 November 2019, Tirana, Albania.

Mantovani F. (on behalf of the Borexino Collaboration). Geoneutrino measurements with Borexino: implications for geoscience. Neutrino Geoscience 2019 Prague - Book of Abstracts, 5-6. Neutrino Geoscience 2019 Prague.

Reguzzoni M., Rossi L., Baldoncini M., Callegari I., Poli P., Sampietro D., Strati V., Mantovani F., Italian JUNO Collaboration. GIGJ: a crustal gravity model of the Guangdong Province for predicting the geoneutrino signal at the JUNO experiment. Neutrino Geoscience 2019 Prague - Book of Abstracts, 7-8. Neutrino Geoscience 2019 Prague.

Serafini A. (on behalf of the LiquidO collaboration). Detecting 40K geoneutrinos with LiquidO. Neutrino Geoscience 2019 Prague - Book of Abstracts, 10. Neutrino Geoscience 2019 Prague.

Strati V., Wipperfurth S. A., Baldoncini M., McDonough W., Gizzi S., Mantovani F. Effect of the overburden on the geoneutrino signal at SNO+. Neutrino Geoscience 2019 Prague - Book of Abstracts, 11. Neutrino Geoscience 2019 Prague.

Albèri M., Baldoncini M., Bottardi C., Chiarelli E., Raptis K.G.C., Serafini A., Strati V., Mantovani F. The natural radioactivity map of Umbria (Italy): a multipurpose tool for environmental understanding. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-14133. EGU General Assembly 2019.

Bottardi C., Albèri M., Baldoncini M., Chiarelli E., Raptis K.G.C., Serafini A., Strati V., Mantovani F. Radon daughters rain-induced activity. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-14901. EGU General Assembly 2019.

Baldoncini M., Albèri M., Bottardi C., Chiarelli E., Raptis K.G.C., Serafini A., Strati V., Mantovani F. Filling the gap between punctual and satellite soil moisture measurements through proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-1623. EGU General Assembly 2019.

Strati V., Albèri M., Baldoncini M., Bottardi C., Chiarelli E., Raptis K.G.C., Serafini A., Mantovani F. Challenges, solutions and benefits of natural radioactivity mapping. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-12902. EGU General Assembly 2019.


Peer reviewed papers

Investigating the potentialities of Monte Carlo simulation for assessing soil water content via proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy

Baldoncini, M., M. Albéri, C. Bottardi, E. Chiarelli, K.G.C. Raptis, V. Strati, and F. Mantovani

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 192, 105-116 (2018) 

Modelling Soil Water Content in a Tomato Field: Proximal Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Soil–Crop System Models

Strati V., Albéri M., Anconelli S., Baldoncini M., Bittelli M., Bottardi C., Chiarelli E., Fabbri B., Guidi V., Raptis K.G.C., Solimando D., Tomei F., Villani G. and Mantovani F.

Agriculture, 8(4), 60 (2018) 

Charge reconstruction in large-area photomultipliers

Grassi et al.

Journal of Instrumentation, 13, P02008-P02008 (2018) 

Airborne gamma-ray spectroscopy for modeling cosmic radiation and effective dose in the lower atmosphere

Baldoncini M., Albéri M., Bottardi C., Raptis K.G.C., Minty B., Strati V. and F. Mantovani

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(2) 823 - 834 (2018) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Albéri M., M. Baldoncini, F. Mantovani, V. Strati. A fully automated gamma-ray spectrometer for NORMs characterization. VI. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment. International Conference on Environmental Protection. Veszprém 22-25 May 2018.

Strati V., M. Albéri, M. Baldoncini, F. Mantovani. Natural radioactivity mapping via gamma-ray spectroscopy: integrating different techniques and multivariate information. VI. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment. International Conference on Environmental Protection. Veszprém 22-25 May 2018.

Baldoncini M., M. Albéri, K.G.C. Raptis, C. Bottardi, V. Strati, F. Mantovani, B. Minty: Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry for investigating radon vertical profile. VI. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment. International Conference on Environmental Protection. Veszprém 22-25 May 2018.

Rossi L., M. Reguzzoni, M. Baldoncini, I. Callegari, P. Poli, D. Sampietro, V. Strati, F. Mantovani. GIGJ: a crustal model of the Guangdong Province using GOCE gravity data for predicting geoneutrinos. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-17781. EGU General Assembly 2018.

Wipperfurth S. A., O. Šrámek, B. Roskovec, F. Mantovani, W. F. McDonough. Updated reference model for lithospheric heat production and geoneutrino flux. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-11717. EGU General Assembly 2018.

Baldoncini M., M. Albéri, C. Bottardi, B. Minty, K.G.C. Raptis, V. Strati, F. Mantovani. Atmospheric Radon in a marine environment: a novel approach based on airborne gamma-ray spectroscopy. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-17545. EGU General Assembly 2018.

Baldoncini M., M. Albéri, C. Bottardi, B. Minty, K.G.C. Raptis, V. Strati, F. Mantovani. Cosmic radiation in the lower atmosphere with airborne gamma-ray spectroscopy. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-17500. EGU General Assembly 2018.

Strati V, S. A. Wipperfurth, M. Baldoncini, W. F. McDonough, F. Mantovani. Integrating geological, geochemical and geophysical data and uncertainties into a coherent 3D model. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-6315. EGU General Assembly 2018.


Peer reviewed papers

Perceiving the crust in 3D: a model integrating geological, geochemical, and geophysical data

Strati V., Wipperfurth S.A., Baldoncini M., McDonough W.F., Mantovani F.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18, 4326-4341 (2017) 

Exploring atmospheric radon with airborne gamma-ray spectroscopy

Baldoncini M., M. Albéri, C. Bottardi, E. Chiarelli, K.G.C. Raptis, V. Strati, and F. Mantovani

Atmospheric Environment, 170, 259-268 (2017) 

Accuracy of flight altitude measured with cheap GNSS, radar and barometer sensors: implications on airborne radiometric surveys

Albéri M., Baldoncini M., Bottardi C., Chiarelli E., Fiorentini G., Raptis K.G.C., Realini E., Reguzzoni M., Rossi L., Sampietro D., Strati V., Mantovani F.

Sensors, 17(8), 1889 (2017) 

First intercomparison among laboratories involved in COST Action-TU1301 "NORM4Building": Determination of natural radionuclides in ceramics

Xhixha G., J.A. Trinidad, C. Gasco, F. Mantovani.

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 168 4-9 (2017) 

Seasonal modulation of 7Be solar neutrino rate in Borexino

Agostini et al.

Astroparticle Physics, 92, 21-29 (2017) 


Peer reviewed papers

Calibration of HPGe detectors using certified reference materials of natural origin

Xhixha G., Albéri M., Baldoncini M., Bode K., Bylyku E., Cfarku F., Callegari I., Hasani F., Landsberger S., Mantovani F., Rodriguez E., Shala F., Strati V., Kaçeli M.X.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 307(2), 1507-1517 (2016) 

Uranium distribution in the Variscan Basement of Northeastern Sardinia

Kaçeli Xhixha, M., Albèri, M., Baldoncini, M., Bezzon, G.P., Buso, G.P., Callegari, I., Casini, L., Cuccuru, S., Fiorentini, G., Guastaldi, E., Mantovani, F., Mou, L., Oggiano, G., Puccini, A., Rossi Alvarez, C., Strati, V., Xhixha, G., Zanon, A.

Journal of Maps, 12(5), 1029-1036 (2016) 

First Step Towards the Geographical Distribution of Indoor Radon in Dwellings in Albania

Tushe, K. B., Bylyku, E., Bylyku, E, Xhixha, G., Dhoqina, P., Daci, B., Cfarku, F., Xhixha, M. K., Strati, V.

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 172 (4) (2016) 

Neutrino physics with JUNO

An at al.

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 43, 030401, (2016) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Baldoncini, M., V. Strati, S. A. Wipperfurth, G. Fiorentini, F. Mantovani, W. F. McDonough, and B. Ricci. Geoneutrinos and Reactor Antineutrinos at SNO+. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 718, no. 6, 062003.

Albéri M., Baldoncini M., Callegari I., Mantovani F., Raptis K.G.C., Realini E., Reguzzoni M., Rossi L., Sampietro D., Strati V. Studio della quota di volo mediante GNSS, altimetro radar e barometro per rilievi di spettroscopia gamma da velivolo. Atti 20a Conferenza Nazionale A.S.I.T.A., Cagliari, 8-10 November 2016, pp: 661-669.

Ianni et al. High significance measurement of the terrestrial neutrino flux with the Borexino detector, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 718, 062025.

Albéri M. Vi presento MAORY fermerà le luci del cielo. Le Stelle, 153, 60-63.

Ricci B. and Baldoncini M. Reactor antineutrino background in geoneutrino measurements.Chapter 5 in Special Volume of Open Academic Press, Geo-neutrinos.


Peer reviewed papers

Geo-neutrinos from 1353 Days with the Borexino Detector

Miramonti et al.

Physics Procedia, 61, 340-344 (2015) 

Spectroscopy of geoneutrinos from 2056 days of Borexino data

Agostini et al..

Physical Review D, 92 031101(R), (2015) 

Geo-neutrinos and Borexino

Ludhova et al.

Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 46, 174-181, (2015) 

Solar neutrino with Borexino: Results and perspectives

Smirnov et al.

Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 46, 166-173, (2015) 

A century of oil and gas exploration in Albania: Assessment of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMs)

Xhixha, G., Baldoncini, M., Callegari, I., Colonna, T., Hasani, F., Mantovani, F., Shala, F., Strati, V., and Xhixha Kaceli, M.

Chemosphere, 139, 30-39, (2015) 

Reference worldwide model for antineutrinos from reactors

Baldoncini M., Callegari I., Fiorentini G., Mantovani F., Ricci B., Strati V. and Xhixha G.

Physical Review D, 91, 065002, (2015) 

Total natural radioactivity, Veneto (Italy)

Strati, V., Baldoncini, M., Bezzon, G. P., Broggini, C., Buso, G. P., Caciolli, A., Callegari, I., Carmignani, L., Colonna, T., Fiorentini, G., Guastaldi, E., Kaçeli Xhixha, M., Mantovani, F., Menegazzo, R., Mou, L., Rossi Alvarez, C., Xhixha, G., and Zanon, A.

Journal of Maps, 11(4) 543 - 551 (2015) 

Test of Electric Charge Conservation with Borexino

Agostini et al.

Physics Review Letters, 115, 231802 (2015) 

Expected geoneutrino signal at JUNO

Strati, V., Baldoncini, M., Callegari, I., Mantovani, F., McDonough, W., Ricci, B., and Xhixha, G.

Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 2, 1-7, (2015) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Lasserre et al. Radioactive Source Experiments in Borexino. XVI International Workshop on “Neutrino Telescopes”, Venice.

Albéri M. Parco delle stelle in una culla astronomica. Le Stelle, 148, 56-61.

Albéri M. E Maxwell volò sugli anelli di Saturno. Le Stelle, 138, 62-65.


Peer reviewed papers

Regional study of the Archean to Proterozoic crust at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO+), Ontario: Predicting the geoneutrino flux

Huang Y., Strati V., Mantovani F., Shirey S. B. and McDonough W. F.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, 3925-3944, (2014) 

A preliminary study of gross alpha/beta activity concentrations in drinking waters from Albania

Cfarku, F., Xhixha, G., Bylyku, E., Zdruli, P., Mantovani, F., Përpunja, F., Callegari, I., Guastaldi, E., Xhixha Kaçeli, M., and Thoma, H.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 301, 435-442, (2014) 

Lifetime measurements of 214Po and 212Po with the CTF liquid scintillator detector at LNGS

Miramonti et al.

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2nd International Conference on Po and Radioactive Pb Isotopes (2014)

Radiological characterization of granitoid outcrops and dimension stones of the Variscan Corsica-Sardinia Batholith

Puccini, A., Xhixha, G., Cuccuru, S., Oggiano, G., Xhixha, M. K., Mantovani, F., Alvarez, C. R., and Casini, L.

Environmental Earth Sciences, 71, 393-405, (2014) 

Final results of Borexino phase-I on low-energy solar neutrino spectroscopy

Bellini et al.

Physical Review D, 89 (11), 112007 (2014) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

E. Tufarolo, M. Baldoncini, G. Bezzon, F. N. A. Brogna, G. Buso, I. Callegari, L. Carmignani, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, M. K. Xhixha, F. Mantovani, L. Mou, C. Pagotto, E. Realini, M. Reguzzoni, C. A. Rossi, R. Salvini, D. Sampietro, V. Strati, G. Xhixha, A. Zanon. Il Radgyro: un autogiro dedicato ad acquisizioni airborne multiparametriche. Atti 18a Conferenza Nazionale A.S.I.T.A., Firenze, 14-16 November 2014, pp: 1159-1165.

M. Xhixha, M. Baldoncini, G.P. Bezzon, G.P. Buso, L. Carmignani, L. Casini, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, S. Cuccuru, E. Guastaldi, G. Fiorentini, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, L. Mou, G. Oggiano, A. Puccini, C. Rossi Alvarez, V. Strati, G. Xhixha, A. Zanon. A Detailed Gamma-ray Survey for Estimating the Radiogenic Power of Sardinian Variscan Crust. 27th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel; Dead Sea (Israel); 11-13 Feb 2014; INIS Issue 50. Vol. 45.

V. Strati, M. Baldoncini, G.P. Bezzon, C. Broggini, G. P. Buso, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, L. Carmignani, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, M. Kaçeli Xhixha, F. Mantovani, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, G. Xhixha, A. Zanon. Total natural radioactivity map of Veneto (Italy). INFN-LNL Rep. 240, 145-146.

P. Garosi, M. Baldoncini, A. Iovene, F. Mantovani, L. Mou, S. Petrucci, C. Rossi Alvarez, V. Strati, C. Tintori, G. Xhixha. A segmented detector for airborne gamma-ray spectroscopy. Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA XV), Michigan, USA.

G. Xhixha, M. Baldoncini, G.P. Bezzon, G.P. Buso, L. Carmignani, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, E. Guastaldi, G. Fiorentini, F. Mantovani, L. Mou, C. Robustini, C. Rossi Alvarez, V. Strati, M. Kaçeli Xhixha, A. Zanon. Performances of a lightweight collimated γ-ray spectrometer for in-situ surveys. EU-NORM 2 Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic.

G. Xhixha, M. Baldoncini, G.P. Bezzon, G.P. Buso, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, G. Gjeta, M. Goga, E. Guastaldi, F. Hasani, F. Mantovani, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, V. Strati, M. Xhixha Kaçeli, A. Zanon. Assessment of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMs) in soils from the Kuçova oilfield, Albania. 7th International Conference on Environmental And Geological Science And Engineering (EG 2014), Salerno, Italy. Latest Trends in Energy, Environment and Development, 154-160.

M. Baldoncini, J. Esposito, L. Ludhova, F. Mantovani, B. Ricci, G. Xhixha, S. Zavatarelli. Geo-neutrinos and reactor anti-neutrinos expected in Daya Bay II and in LENA. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU 2014) Pacifico Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, (2014).

V. Strati, Y. Huang, F. Mantovani, S. Shirey, R. Rudnick, W. F. Mcdonough. Towards a refined regional geological model for predicting geoneutrinos flux at Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO+). Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU 2014) Pacifico Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan.

Ricci. B., Mantovani F., Baldoncini M., Ludhova L., Esposito J., Zavatarelli S. Reactor antineutrinos signal all over the world. Pos Proceedings Of Science, PoS(NEUTEL2013).

Albéri M. In Cile si apre l’occhio che vedrà le altre terre. Le Stelle, 132, 48-51.


Peer reviewed papers


Bellini, G., Ianni, A., Ludhova, L., Mantovani, F., and McDonough, W. F.

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 73, 1-34 (2013) 

Lifetime measurements of 214Po and 212Po with the CTF liquid scintillator detector at LNGS

Bellini et al.

The European Physical Journal A, 49, 92 (2013). 

A multivariate spatial interpolation of airborne γ-ray data using the geological constraints

Guastaldi E., M. Baldoncini, G. Bezzon, C. Broggini, G. Buso, A. Caciolli, L. Carmignani, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, K. Dule, G. Fiorentini, M. Kaçeli Xhixha, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, V. Strati, G. Xhixha, A. Zanon

Remote Sensing of Environment, 137, 1-11 (2013) 

Total natural radioactivity, Tuscany, Italy

Callegari I., G.P. Bezzon, C. Broggini, G.P. Buso, A. Caciolli, L. Carmignani, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, M.K. Xhixha, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, A. Pirro, C.R. Alvarez, V. Strati, G. Xhixha, A. Zanon

Journal of Maps, 9 (3), 438 - 443 (2013) 

Exploring the Earth's mantle with geoneutrinos

Fiorentini G., G.L. Fogli, E. Lisi, F. Mantovani, A. M. Rotunno, G. Xhixha

Il Nuovo Cimento C, 36, 239-242, (2013) 

First characterisation of natural radioactivity in building materials manufactured in Albania

Xhixha G., A. Ahmeti, G.P. Bezzon, M. Bitri, C. Broggini, G.P. Buso, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, F. Cfarku, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, D. Prifti, C.R. Alvarez, D.S. Kuqi, M. Shyti, L. Tushe, M. Xhixha Kaçeli, A. Zyfi

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 155, 217-223 (2013) 

The worldwide NORM production and a fully automated gamma-ray spectrometer for their characterization

Xhixha G., G.P. Bezzon, C. Broggini, G.P. Buso, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, S. Bianchi, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, M. Kaçeli Xhixha, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, A. Pasquini, C.R. Alvarez, M. Shyti

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 295, 445-457 (2013) 

The Earthʼs mantle and geoneutrinos

Fiorentini G., G.L. Fogli, E. Lisi, F. Mantovani, A.M. Rotunno, G. Xhixha

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 237-238, 82-84 (2013). 

A reference Earth model for the heat-producing elements and associated geoneutrino flux

Huang Y., V. Chubakov, F. Mantovani, R.L. Rudnick, W.F. McDonough

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14, 2003-2029 (2013). 

Measurement of geo-neutrinos from 1353 days of Borexino

Bellini et al.

Physics Letters B, 722, 295-300 (2013) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

L. Pinto, G. Sona, R. Gini, M. Reguzzoni, D. Passoni, D. Sampietro, F. Mantovani. Rilievo geodetico e fotogrammetrico di supporto a misure di radioattività ambientale da autogiro. Atti 17a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA - Riva del Garda 5-7 November 2013.

Ahmeti et al. Natural radioactivity in clay bricks and cements used in Albania. Natura Monetegrina (Special Issue) (2013) - 5th International Symposium of the Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro (ISEM5 2013), Tivat, Montenegro, 12(3-4):1003-1012.

G.P. Bezzon, G.P. Buso, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, M. Shyti, M. Kaçeli Xhixha, G. Xhixha, A. Zanon. First flight test on Elba Island for the Airborne gamma-ray Survey System developed at LNL. INFN-LNL Rep. 239, 148-149.

G.P. Bezzon, G.P. Buso, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, M. Shyti, M. Kaçeli Xhixha, G. Xhixha, A. Zanon. Soil isotopic abundances reconstructed by using simulated spectra. INFN-LNL Rep. 239, 194-195.

G.P. Bezzon, G.P. Buso, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, M. Shyti, M. Kaçeli Xhixha, G. Xhixha, A. Zanon. Monte Carlo simulation to describe airborne survey effects. INFN-LNL Rep. 239, 196-197.

Strati V, M. Baldoncini , G. P. Bezzon , C. Broggini, G. P. Buso, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, M. Kaceli Xhixha, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, G. Xhixha. Studio preliminare del contenuto di radioattività delle principali formazioni rocciose delle aree alpine, prealpine e collinari della Regione Veneto. Mus. Civ. Rovereto, Atti del Workshop in geofisica.

Puccini A, Xhixha G, Cuccuru S, Oggiano G, Kaceli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Rossi Alvarez C & Casini L. Radiogenic heat potential of the Sardinian Variscan crust. Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 2002.

Huang Y, Chubakov V, Mantovani F, Rudnick R & McDonough W. A reference Earth model for the heat producing elements and associated geoneutrino flux, Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 1341.

Xhixha G, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso G, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Guastaldi E, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C & Strati V. Automated γ-ray spectrometer for monitoring wastes made by non-nuclear industries. Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 2519.

Guastaldi E, Baldoncini M, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso GP, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C, Strati V & Xhixha G. Mapping the natural radioactivity of Elba Island by means of geostatistical interpolation of airborne gamma-ray data. Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 1224.

G. Xhixha, A. Ahmeti, G.P. Bezzon, M. Bitri, C. Broggini, G.P. Buso, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, F. Cfarku, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, Dh. Sadiraj Kuqi, M. Shyti, V. Strati, M. Xhixha Kaçeli, P. Zdruli, A. Zyfi. Natural radioactivity in chemical fertilizers used in Albania investigated with a fully automated gamma-ray spectrometer. International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2013) Tirana, Albania, 31 June - 5 July, 2013.


Peer reviewed papers

A new FSA approach for in situ γ ray spectroscopy

Caciolli A., M. Baldoncini, G.P. Bezzon, C. Broggini, G.P. Buso, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C.R. Alvarez, M. Shyti, A. Zanon, G. Xhixha

Science of The Total Environment, 414, 639-645 (2012) 

Mantle geoneutrinos in KamLAND and Borexino

Fiorentini G., G.L. Fogli, E. Lisi, F. Mantovani, A.M. Rotunno

Physical Review D, 86 033004 (2012) 

The next-generation liquid-scintillator neutrino observatory LENA

Wurm et al.

Astroparticle Physics, vol. 35, Issue 1, pp. 685-732 (2012) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Guastaldi E., G.P. Bezzon, C. Broggini, G.P. Buso, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, G. Xhixha, and A. Zanon. Integrating of airborne gamma-ray survey and geological data for environmental radioactivity map construction. 9th Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, geoENV2012, Valencia, Spain, September 19-21 pp. 137-144.

Huang Y., V. Chubakov, F. Mantovani, W. F. McDonough, R. L. Rudnick. Towards a refined reference Earth model for geo-neutrinos. 12th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP2011). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 375, 042041, ISSN 1742-6596.

Caciolli A., G. Bezzon, G. Buso, C. Broggini, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, M. Shyti, G. Xhixha, M. K. Xhixha, A. Zanon. The Non Negative Least Square Applied to the Full Spectrum Analysis. INFN-LNL Rep. 238, p.129-130.

Mou L.,G. P. Bezzon, G.P. Buso, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, C. Rossi Alvarez, M. Shyti, G. Xhixha, M. Kaçeli Xhixha, A. Zanon. Mapping of Natural Radioelements Using γ-Ray Spectrometry: Veneto Region Case of Study. INFN-LNL Rep. 238, p.131-132.

Xhixha G., G. P. Bezzon, G.P. Buso, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, M. Shyti, M. Kaçeli Xhixha, A. Zanon. Airborne γ-Ray Survey System Developed at LNL. INFN-LNL Rep. 238, p.133-134.


Peer reviewed papers

U and Th content in the Central Apennines continental crust: a contribution to the determination of the geo-neutrinos flux at LNGS

Coltorti M., R. Boraso, F. Mantovani, M. Morsilli, G. Fiorentini, A. Riva, G. Rusciadelli, R. Tassinari, C. Tomei, G. Di Carlo, V. Chubakov

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 75, n. 9, 2271-2294 (2011) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Huang Y., W. F. McDonough, R. L. Rudnick, F. Mantovani, S. B. Shirey, S. Dye. Regional Study of the Archean to Proterozoic Crust at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO+), Ontario: Predicting the Geoneutrino Flux. Abstract U41A-0009 Poster presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.

Galiberti A., R. Salvini, M. Tarantini, F. Mantovani, M. Bottacchi, I. Callegari, M. Lino, F. M. Martino, C. Rossi, M. Mondet. Mining landscape and mines. integrating digital aerial photogrammetry and geophysical prospecting in Gargano area (Italy) in “Hidden Landscapes of Mediterranean Europe. Cultural and methodological biases in pre- and protohistoric landscape studies”. BAR International Series 2320, Archeopress, Oxford.

Mou L., M. Baldoncini , G. P. Bezzon , C. Broggini, G. P. Buso, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, C. Rossi Alvarez, M. Shyti, G. Xhixha, M. Xhixha. Nuovo spettrometro gamma per il monitoraggio della radioattività in situ. Mus. Civ. Rovereto, Atti del Workshop in geofisica.

Coltorti M., R. Boraso, F. Mantovani, M. Morsilli, G. Fiorentini, G. Rusciadelli. An integrated approach to estimate the U and Th content of the Central Apennines continental crust. Goldschmidt Abstracts (2011), Mineralogical Magazine 75, 609-711.

Bellotti E., P. Bezzon, C. Broggini, P. Buso, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, L. Carmignani, T. Colonna, G. Di Carlo, P. Fantozzi, G. Fiorentini, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, S. Mariani, G. Massa, L. Mou, C. A. Rossi, M. Shyti, G. Xhixha. Carta del contenuto di radioattività del territorio della regione Toscana in scala 1:250.000.

Fiorentini G., V. Chubakov, F. Mantovani, B. Ricci. Radiogenic contribution to Earth’s heat flow studied thought geo-neutrinos. XIV International Workshop on “Neutrino Telescopes”, Venice.

Bezzon G. P., G. P. Buso, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, I. Callegari, T. Colonna, E. Guastaldi, F. Mantovani, S. Mariani, G. Massa, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, M. Shyti, G. Xhixha. Mapping of natural radioelements using gamma-ray spectrometry: Tuscany Region case of study. INFN-LNL Rep. 234.

Bezzon, G.P. G. P. Buso, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, F. Mantovani, R. Menegazzo, L. Mou, C. Rossi Alvarez, M. Shyti, G. Xhixha, A. Zanon. A γ-Spectroscopy System for Atmospheric Radon Detection. INFN-LNL Rep. 234.

Bellini G., A. Ianni and F. Mantovani. Looking into the Earth’s interior with geo-neutrinos. CERN Cour. 51 N3.


Peer reviewed papers

Geo-Neutrinos: from theory to the KamLAND results

Fiorentini G., M. Lissia, F. Mantovani, B. Ricci

Earth, Moon and Planets, 99, 91-110 (2006) 

Towards Earth AntineutRino TomograpHy (EARTH)

De Meijer R. J., F.D. Smit, F.D. Brooks, R.W. Fearick, H.J. Woertche, F. Mantovani

Earth, Moon and Planets, 99, 193-206 (2006) 

Proceedings & not peer reviewed papers

Fiorentini G., M. Lissia, F. Mantovani, B. Ricci. Perspectives on geo-neutrinos after KamLAND. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 39, pp. 257- 262, ISSN 1742-6596.


Peer reviewed papers

Geo-neutrinos: a short review

Fiorentini G., M. Lissia, F. Mantovani, R. Vannucci

Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.), 143, 53-59 (2005) 

KamLAND results and the radiogenic terrestrial heat

Fiorentini G., M. Lissia, F. Mantovani, B. Ricci

Physics Letters B, 629, 77, ISSN 0370-2693 (2005) 

How much Uranium is in the Earth? Predictions for geo-neutrinos at KamLAND

Fiorentini G., M. Lissia, F. Mantovani, R. Vannucci

Physical Review D, 72, 033017 (2005) 

Geo-neutrinos: a new probe of Earth's interior

Fiorentini G., M. Lissia, F. Mantovani, R. Vannucci

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 238, 235 (2005) 

A brief review on geo-neutrinos

Fiorentini G., M. Lissia, F. Mantovani, R. Vannucci

Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.), 145, 170 (2005)