Local coordinator: Petra Martini
REMIX project (2021-2023), (Research on Emerging Medical radIonuclides from the X-sections) aimed at finding the best nuclear reactions for the production of theranostic radionuclides (RN) 47Sc, 149Tb, 152Tb, 155Tb and the therapeutic 161Tb by exploiting the 155Gd(p,n)155Tb reaction, National Manager: Dr. G. Pupillo. The Ferrara unit (INFN-FE), of which Dr. P. Martini is the local manager, has been involved in the REMIX project since 2022 with the aim of studying the production from thick target (TTY, Thick Target Yield) of Tb-155 in collaboration with the radiopharmacy of the Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital in Negrar (VR).