WISE (Wearable non-Invasive SEnsors for cardiovascular function assessment), which in 2019 received INFN funding for research projects dedicated to young researchers, aims to develop non-invasive and non-ionizing techniques for the quantification of blood flows of interest clinical. For this purpose, a prototype of plethysmograph is being worked on at the Ferrara Section for the real-time acquisition of the parameters of interest, based on the activity carried out during the Drain Brain project (*). Clinical partner of the project is the Vascular Disease Center of the University of Ferrara. A second objective, in collaboration with the Italian Red Cross, is the development of ecofluidodynamic phantoms for the calibration of clinical instruments and the training of healthcare personnel.
* https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=1143