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Requesting an account

To request an account, please send an e-mail to with Subject: “Account Request”, using your institutional mail address, specifying in the mail body your Name and Surname (and Name/Surname of your supervisor if applicable), and attaching your public ssh-key. Please see below how to generate a ssh-key for your system.

In the COKA Cluster we do not use passwords, users authentication is managed by Public-key authentication. To know how the login process will be managed see: Cluster Login or in general to have more information on Public-key authentication:

The e-mail you use to request the account will be added to a mailing-list which will be used only by the COKA Cluster administrators to inform users about the Cluster status (e.g. Shutdowns due to maintenance, hardware failures, newly installed software, ecc…)

users/accounting.1462873007.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/10 09:36 by ecalore