Here I describe the lenstool configuration files and outputs for the strong lensing model of MACSJ1206 presented in Caminha+2017 A&A accepted ( For more information about the usage please see the lenstool documentation at: For any question please contact Input files: MACS1206_lenstool_Caminha2017.par Configuration file used for the SL modelling of MACSJ1206. obs_arcs_v007.dat Multiple image positions used as constrains in the modelling. Galaxy members used in the modelling, following the mass-to-light relation adopted in Caminha+2017. The magnitudes are F160 Kron measurements using Sextractor. Output files. MACS1206_lenstool_Caminha2017_best_params.par lenstool configuration file containing the best fitting parameters from the SL modelling. MACS1206_lenstool_Caminha2017_chires.dat File containing the information of the offsets between the observed and model-predicted positions of the multiple images. bayes.dat Full mcmc output from lenstool. mcmc_convergence.png Plot showing the all output chains from lenstool together. confidence_levels.png Confidence levels of all free parameters in the strong lens modelling. The contours correspond to 68%, 95% and 99.7%.