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Research grants awarded

From November 2005: Industrial research grant: ``Development of a digital x-ray system for non destructive testing'', Dept of Physics, University of Ferrara, Italy.
March 2003 - April 2005: Industrial research grant funded by the IMS company ( ``Optimization of a clinical system for digital mammography'', Dept of Physics, University of Ferrara, Italy.
Year 2001: Awarded a ``Young Researcher Project'' grant, University of Ferrara.
March 2000 - February 2003: Post-doc grant, Dept of Physics, University of Ferrara, Italy.
October 1998 - February 2000: Marie Curie fellowship granted by the EC for a post-doc at the Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London, UK. Project title: ``Assessment of the Potential of Diffraction Enhanced Breast Imaging''.
May-September 1998: post-doc grant, Dept of Physics University of Ferrara, Italy.
July 1997 - January 1998: Industrial research grant ``Applications of monochromatic beams to an X-ray system for luggage control'', Dept of Physics, University of Ferrara, Italy.

Angelo Taibi 2010-08-23