Meeting "Polarized Fusion 2017"
(BINP, 1-2 February 2017)
organized by dr. Dmitri K. Toporkov
at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics - Novosibirsk

  1. Giuseppe Ciullo. Introduction to Polarized Fusion. pdf file
  2. Markus Buescher. Laser-acceleration of polarized ions from polarized targets: Will the polarization survive in the plasma? pdf file
  3. Peter Kravtsov, Alexander Vasilyev. The double-polarized DD-Fusion experiment in Gatchina. pdf file
  4. Giuseppe Ciullo. The atomic beam source for the polarized target of the DD-Fusion experiment. pdf file
  5. Dmitriy Toporkov. The molecular beam source to produce polarized H2/D2 beams. pdf file
  6. Hani Awwad. The Lamb-shift polarimeter for the molecular beam source at BINP. pdf file
  7. Ralf Engels. D2-/HD-Molecules: An option to produce polarized fuel for fusion experiments. pdf file

Meeting photos: pdf file