Ferrara International School Niccolò Cabeo

The Ferrara PhD School in Physics organizes every year an International School on relevant particle physics topics.

The School is named after the jesuite Niccolo Cabeo, a physicist from Ferrara in the 17th century. He discovered, working in Ferrara,the electrostatic repulsion, pointing out for the first time the existence of two types of electricity.

The School is mainly addressed to young PhD students, both theoreticians and experimentalists, although advanced PhD students as well as post-docs and young researchers are also welcome.

Every year the School offers two levels of lectures: "pedagogical", on relevant subjects usually not covered in great detail in the normal undergraduate and graduate courses, and another one, more technical, on specific related topics.

The school lasts one week, and includes dedicated sessions for informal discussions with teachers. Every year proceedings of the lectures will be published and delivered to the students.

An Advisory Scientific Committee serves the School by proposing, each year, the lecturers and reviewing the program. It also provides the necessary connections among the Universities and the laboratories involved.

Finally, the School is always held in the same week as the hystorical "Palio di Ferrara", which is the most ancient one in the world.