Strong lensing model version 1.0 (2019) for the galaxy cluster MACS J0416 presented in Bergamini et al. 2019. The mass model separates the diffuse dark-matter and the hot intracluster gas into distinct mass components. We refer to Bergamini et al. 2019 for additional details. The full CLASH-VLT spectroscopic catalogue, combining VIMOS and MUSE, can be found in The modelling is performed with the software lenstool (Kneib et al 1996, Jullo et al 2007, Jullo & Kneib 2009) and using the position of multiple images as constraints. In this repository, we release the lenstool configuration files, the best fitting model and the full MCMC chain. A detailed explanation of the configuration and output files can be found in the lenstool documentation ( Input files: Bergamini19_MACSJ0416_lenstool.par Lenstool configuration file used for the SL modelling of MACS J0416. Galaxy members used in the modelling. The magnitudes are F160 Kron measurements using Sextractor. obs_arcs.dat Multiple image positions used as constrains in the modelling. Notice we selected only image families with spectroscopic confirmation. bayes.dat Mcmc output from lenstool (sampling phase). burnin.dat Mcmc output from lenstool (burn-in phase). chires.dat Residuals on image positions of the best-fit model. bestopt.par best.par Lenstool configuration files containing the best-fit model of MACS J0416