Strong lensing model version 2.0 for the galaxy cluster Abell S1063. This model is an update of the model presented in Caminha et al. 2016 A&A 587, A80 using the spectroscopic redshifts of Karman et al. 2017 A&A 599, A28. When using these redshifts, please acknowledge these two papers. Lensing maps (magnification, convergence, etc), and additional lenstool output files will be placed in this folder soon. Input files: A1063_lenstool_Caminha2016.par Lenstool configuration file used for the SL modelling of Abell S1063. Galaxy members used in the modelling. The magnitudes are F160 Kron measurements using Sextractor. Note the commented galaxy (IDs 1809) which is the BCG and its parameters are free to vary in the modelling. A1063_obs_arcs_v11.dat Multiple image positions used as constrains in the modelling. Notice I selected only image families with spectroscopic confirmation. bayes.dat Full mcmc output from lenstool. mcmc_convergence.png Plot showing the all output chains from lenstool together. confidence_levels.png Confidence levels of all free parameters in the strong lens modelling. The contours correspond to 68%, 95% and 99.7%.